Sunday, May 8, 2011

singing the blues

Week 3 of the C25K program: jogging for 90 seconds, walking for 90 seconds, jogging for 3 minutes then walking for 3 minutes. Repeating this interval two times.

I gotta tell ya, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be. But I do have a confession, I only did it once last week. The first time I tried to do it after work, I forgot my work out pants at home. I even tried running in my oversize jeans (I also forgot my belt that day!) but it just didn't work. So the hubs, baby and I went to the track a couple nights later and I successfully completed one day of week 3. I was extremely distracted this week from all things healthy. I certainly didn't feel like a warrior this week.

Did I mention I won a weight loss challenge? True story - I did. It was held by my Zumba teacher (by the way, Monica's the best zumba teacher in KC!) and the weigh ins were weekly, and after I had my final weigh in, I had this weird mental thing happen. It was like all my accountability had gone out the window. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I was looking forward to having some celebratory food for winning the challenge not to mention it was also my wedding anniversary last week, but a whole week's worth of eating crappy food was not what I had in mind. I've probably gained AT LEAST 10 pounds back. Kind of scared to get on the scale tomorrow. Now I have to hold accountability to myself, and nothing else. Feeling a little blue right now and in a bit of an emotional funk about life in general. There's a lot of things and circumstances that I can't change, so I wish I could just get a handle on the one thing I do have control over. I'm not going to give up, I've come way too far to do that. I hope when I wake up tomorrow my glass will be over flowing with optimism. Thank goodness it will be a new week.


  1. Now wait a minute. Look at you in this picture. You are so thin! You can do this girlfriend! This is a journey. There are hills and valleys. Maybe you spent last week in the valley. This week is on the hill. Focus on how far you have come. Incredibly so! You are doing it. Keep on keepin' on. You are an inspiration! Love ya, cheri

  2. You've come so far and you are doing awesome! Congratulations on winning the zumba challenge! There isn't a single woman out there who doesn't have one of those weeks where nothing seems to go right and all you want to do is zone out in front of the tv with a tub of choco bon ice cream - i just had one of those weeks :) But then it passes and you start to feel with it again and get on with your goals. You're gonna do great!

  3. Girl, I only did week 3 once last week too! We were slackers together. LOL Come on, let's get back up together. :)
