Sunday, May 8, 2011

singing the blues

Week 3 of the C25K program: jogging for 90 seconds, walking for 90 seconds, jogging for 3 minutes then walking for 3 minutes. Repeating this interval two times.

I gotta tell ya, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be. But I do have a confession, I only did it once last week. The first time I tried to do it after work, I forgot my work out pants at home. I even tried running in my oversize jeans (I also forgot my belt that day!) but it just didn't work. So the hubs, baby and I went to the track a couple nights later and I successfully completed one day of week 3. I was extremely distracted this week from all things healthy. I certainly didn't feel like a warrior this week.

Did I mention I won a weight loss challenge? True story - I did. It was held by my Zumba teacher (by the way, Monica's the best zumba teacher in KC!) and the weigh ins were weekly, and after I had my final weigh in, I had this weird mental thing happen. It was like all my accountability had gone out the window. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I was looking forward to having some celebratory food for winning the challenge not to mention it was also my wedding anniversary last week, but a whole week's worth of eating crappy food was not what I had in mind. I've probably gained AT LEAST 10 pounds back. Kind of scared to get on the scale tomorrow. Now I have to hold accountability to myself, and nothing else. Feeling a little blue right now and in a bit of an emotional funk about life in general. There's a lot of things and circumstances that I can't change, so I wish I could just get a handle on the one thing I do have control over. I'm not going to give up, I've come way too far to do that. I hope when I wake up tomorrow my glass will be over flowing with optimism. Thank goodness it will be a new week.